This is awesome stalker music I'll pop this in when I'm stalking people! Just kidding dude, this is awesome!
This is awesome stalker music I'll pop this in when I'm stalking people! Just kidding dude, this is awesome!
XD Thanks!
I freaking loved this! You need to make more The Room mixes. This was amazingly well done. I think I want you to be my future wife, but I don't want to talk about it.
Oh hai EyesAdrift! You are my favorite reviewer.
At the beginning it has a Battle Toads feel to it, I dig this.
God this reminds me of Keith Courage for the Turbo Graphix 16.... But you're to young to remember that one huh? haha. I really liked this one. Keep it up/
You're not even American anymore!
we dun kneed ur kynd t8king r jobz
Awesome track man! I really dig it, as a matter of fact, I used it in an audio skit if you want to see teh results, here's the link n/489996
Keep making epic music!
This is freaking awesome! I'm so using this for something hehe thanks for making this man!
thanks man! :D
i'd be honored if you came around using it .. or some other
music of mine! i've watched "the retail experience" about a hundret times!
great job on that one, as well as on all of your other submissions!
thank you for leaving a comment! :)
Sad Kermit did a cover of this too, but I dig yours more haha. Great Job.
XDD Thanks bro!
Dammit (insert name here) imma voice actor not a flash artist. If you ever need a voice send me an email EyesadriftVA@gmail.c om. Check out my demo reel too. Yes that is a In The Dark T-Shirt.
Age 40, Male
Voice Actor
Joined on 6/2/01