Yeah here's a new flash that me and my really good friend Benjaminz voiced in! Animated by a wicked talented dude DJFry! Watch, enjoy, laugh, cry when it's over, then press replay! Check it out!
Edit: Whoa on the frontpage, thanks!
Dammit (insert name here) imma voice actor not a flash artist. If you ever need a voice send me an email EyesadriftVA@gmail.c om. Check out my demo reel too. Yes that is a In The Dark T-Shirt.
Age 40, Male
Voice Actor
Joined on 6/2/01
Posted by EyesAdrift - April 8th, 2013
Yeah here's a new flash that me and my really good friend Benjaminz voiced in! Animated by a wicked talented dude DJFry! Watch, enjoy, laugh, cry when it's over, then press replay! Check it out!
Edit: Whoa on the frontpage, thanks!
Posted by EyesAdrift - November 7th, 2012
I've decided to give you folks a little bit of an update on what's been going on with me. One of the big things that I was voicing for was just cancelled. It was an addon for Left 4 Dead 2 called Life's A Beach, and I voiced one of the 4 survivors Jay. You can find a youtube video on the site with test lines from the survivors. It was fun to voice and get that practice in, but saddens me that it'll never see the light of day. I believe they are going to release a couple of the maps but with the original survivors. Oh well. I've been voicing alot of commercials and other type stuff that makes cash monies. I'm still voicing animations and games (alot of it for free) so it's all good.
As a matter of fact keep an eye out for Age of Barbarian. I voice the main character Rahaan in the English version. It's a nice side scroller hack and slash. There are other projects that I'm in that will be releasing soon as well so keep an eye out if you want. Also keep an eye out for a project that I'm doing Darkviper . He's an awesome cat.
Now for the HUGE update: I'm married now, yup took the plunge. My woman and I have been together for 9 years, so I figured if she's going to stick around that long might as well make it official. She's awesome and totally supports my voice acting dreams. I couldn't be luckier.
Anyway that's about it for now. Keep rocking Newgrounders.
Posted by EyesAdrift - June 13th, 2012
Alright everyone, it's been a while since I've submitted an audio skit for you all, so here it is. This is featuring my new mic! Let me know what you all think, and don't forget to vote! Keep on trucking, oh and there's a few game mods that will be coming out and what not that I voice in, more info on those when they are closer to release.
Posted by EyesAdrift - April 19th, 2012
Ok so it's been a while since I've last made a post on here, sorry about that. I've been busy with voicing stuffs and at my job, which I hate doing but it gets some of the bills paid, so whatcha gonna do?
Anyway, I recently got a new mic, one of those Yeti Pros, I love the damn thing, sounds so awesome. I've also been getting a decent amount of paying gigs, which is a nice change of pace, of course I still do free work all the time, cuz lets face it, I LOVE voice acting.
Latest project I'm working on is a Left 4 Dead 2 mod, it's called Life's A Beach, and I voice Jay. Today I voiced from 9 am to about noon or so, then spent the next 3-4 hours editing the lines and sending them off. I'm excited for it. Anyway I'm sure that you're tired of reading this dribble, so I'll link the Double Dragon parody.
A little news on In The Dark, Comick is still animating it, yes it's been a couple years haha, but it'll be so freaking worth it. The quality of the animation is just amazing, she really blows my mind away with the stuff she does. No script on EP 2 as of yet, but keep your eyes peeled.
Until next time my fellow newgrounders, keep those ban sticks on the ice.
- Mike Eyesadirft Joseph
Posted by EyesAdrift - October 21st, 2011
You wanted it, we're giving it! Thanks to your support, here is the second installment of the Sonic Series!
Hope you all enjoy!
Also a heads up! Get ready for a MEGA awesome flash. MAN it's going to be great!!
The rest of this post is from the previous post.
I've been asked a few times by people who wanted to pay for my vocal services so I've got a price commission list going. This is just for people who want/feel they have to pay. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY I DO FREE WORK ALL THE TIME. Also MAXIMUM means just that, maximum. There is a very strong chance that you will get the lines same day.
For a short script (1-15 lines) : $3 plus $5 for editing*
For a medium script (16-30 lines) $7 plus $5 for editing*
For a long script: A flat fee can be negotiated plus the $5 for editing*
Paying gigs do take priority with a 2 day max turnaround**.
Non-paying gigs: I will let you know what your status is in the Que and a 4 day max turnaround** is the norm. You do not have to pay the editing fee.
I accept paypal, I will give you my paypal email upon hiring.
I use a Samson C01U condenser mic, and record in a sound proof vocal booth. I use Adobe Audition 3 and Adobe Soundbooth. You'll get a high quality recording in .mp3 or .wav
* EDITING: Consists of background noise removal, click and pop removal. NO music will be added to the vocal track. Please specify if you want a effect on the voice. (I.E: Sounds like it's coming from a radio or phone.)
** Turnaround time starts upon consumer receiving a confirmation response from me.
If you have any questions feel free to PM or email me.
I prefer any and all scripts to be emailed to me at Please describe how you want the voice to sound like. I will send you an unedited audition.
Posted by EyesAdrift - May 13th, 2011
I've been asked a few times by people who wanted to pay for my vocal services so I've got a price commission list going. This is just for people who want/feel they have to pay. YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY I DO FREE WORK ALL THE TIME. Also MAXIMUM means just that, maximum. There is a very strong chance that you will get the lines same day.
For a short script (1-15 lines) : $3 plus $5 for editing*
For a medium script (16-30 lines) $7 plus $5 for editing*
For a long script: A flat fee can be negotiated plus the $5 for editing*
Paying gigs do take priority with a 2 day max turnaround**.
Non-paying gigs: I will let you know what your status is in the Que and a 4 day max turnaround** is the norm. You do not have to pay the editing fee.
I accept paypal, I will give you my paypal email upon hiring.
I use a Samson C01U condenser mic, and record in a sound proof vocal booth. I use Adobe Audition 3 and Adobe Soundbooth. You'll get a high quality recording in .mp3 or .wav
* EDITING: Consists of background noise removal, click and pop removal. NO music will be added to the vocal track. Please specify if you want a effect on the voice. (I.E: Sounds like it's coming from a radio or phone.)
** Turnaround time starts upon consumer receiving a confirmation response from me.
If you have any questions feel free to PM or email me.
I prefer any and all scripts to be emailed to me at Please describe how you want the voice to sound like. I will send you an unedited audition.
Posted by EyesAdrift - February 26th, 2011
You should totally check this out, it's freaking great! We apologize for the slight downgrade on the quality, there was something that went wrong when trying to convert from toon boom to cs4, toon boom will no longer be used in future projects. It was just to hard to convert.
Posted by EyesAdrift - November 21st, 2010
We are in need of animators, background artists and some other people. Check out the post here. s/post/366810